Links to useful resources or discords can be found in our Wiki. will be appreciated if they are detailed and not purely self-advertisement.

Sharing Guides - Psychology, map strategy, metagame posts, detailed guides about UI set up, etc. Note: we are not here to choose your class for you or tell you what is the best.ħ) Questions or posts that involve breaking the WoW/Blizzard ToS (exploits, private servers etc.), bans will result.Ĩ) Log submissions must follow sub-reddit allowed format and guidelines which can be found HERE, those that do not will be removed. Reddit search may not be the best but it can bring up keywords.Ħ) Basic questions that can be answered by looking at relevant class guides, appropriate discords/pins or a quick Google search.

The most general guideline that exists now is your post must contain quality content that generates discussionġ) Jokes, funny stories and distasteful comments.Ģ) Comments or complaints directed at Blizzard.ģ) Speculation/What If threads unless posted in Free Talk FridayĤ) Guild/Team/Partner requests and/or advertisements.ĥ) Questions which have been asked before. It's not difficult to tell a quality discussion post from a question that Google can answer. It absolutely frustrates me that much.Our moderation will be subjective, and we plan to err on over-moderation rather than under-moderation, including temporary and permanent bans. I’d unsub if I hadn’t foolishly paid for six months up front. If anything, it’s an underreaction from my perspective. A solution which, it seems, does not exist.

That generates enough frustration that I’m here on the forums looking for a solution that I’ve spent many hours trying to find on my own. When I’m forced to play differently it detracts from my ability to play well and fun. I generally don’t play alts or even multiple specs often because it takes forever to develop the digital dexterity and muscle memory to play one well (especially a healer). It truly feels like playing a completely different character when solo versus grouping. It’s not really an overreaction to me, though. Perhaps I could get used to them, but it seems ridiculous that I should have to force myself to use an addon to change UI elements to something I dislike because Blizzard won’t let me see the existing ones when I need them. I greatly dislike all of the addon replacement frames. That’s an option, too, but I have a very, very strong preference for the stock Blizzard raid frames. Perhaps you’d be better off with a UI which can handle more customization?