
Sins of a solar empire rebellion races
Sins of a solar empire rebellion races

sins of a solar empire rebellion races sins of a solar empire rebellion races sins of a solar empire rebellion races

Their new capital ship can serve as their capital planet, enabling them to never bother settling a planet if they so choose. Likewise the previously xenophobic Vasari Loyalists are still hell bent on their mission to escape this sector of space, and have abilities that keep them highly mobile. But the TEC Loyalists don't have to play this way, with special abilities that allow their ships to level up without getting into a ton of combat. Typically a successful commander in Sins will expand fast, grabbing up new planets in order to secure new resources. For instance the humans, known as the TEC, have a Loyalist faction, and they are the ultimate isolationists. The new versions of each faction dramatically alter how a typical game of Sins plays. As a result a host of rebellions have sprung forth, splitting each race into two very different factions. The last expansion explored the idea of diplomatic relations between the races, but since then their relationships – both with each other and within – have deteriorated. While there is no particularly well laid out narrative to Rebellion, it does have a bit of a story to tell. Unsurprisingly, Ironclad isn't letting the series fade anytime soon, with the upcoming expansion, Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion, giving longtime fans yet another reason to take up the commander's chair and forge their empires anew. Their game, Sins of a Solar Empire, has sold more copies than games with 10 times its budget, netting Ironclad a hearty profit and helping fund their next game, Sins of a Dark Age. Combining real-time tactics with many components of the typically turn-based 4X genre has paid off for Ironclad Games and Stardock.

Sins of a solar empire rebellion races